Saturday, December 14, 2013


I've been looking for answers a long time.  I've documented troubles with an allergy that isn't an allergy in my Portrait of a Dairy Allergy that isn't actually an allergy.  Never mind that it acts just like an allergy with my respiratory reaction.  Forget that it knocks me out like I have the flu for 2 weeks. I've also hinted at the new normal.  It's scattered among the pages of this multi-linked blog – set up much like my hyper-networked brain.

It seems that I may now have answers, however unsatisfactory those answers might be.  It turns out that I apparently have fibromyalgia.  Now to figure out what to do about it.  There aren't many good answers or suggestions that are easy to implement, but I am nothing if not tenacious. It will be difficult to determine what is fibromyalgia related and how much is my ADHD.  And all I want to do is get my stuff done: tae kwon do, writing, whatever crazy thing is in my brain.

Now to find my solutions.

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