Wednesday, December 25, 2013

All the signs say she did too much ...

Good gracious, I am overly sensitive these past two days. I can only conclude that in preparing for and celebrating Christmas that I overdid by more than half. Whew! Everything is an assault against my senses. The brush of my hands or clothing against my skin leaves me feeling raw. Odd personal sounds and personality quirks are nothing less than fingernails against a chalkboard. I was telling my husband that it is as though all of my energy goes to keeping the pain at bay.  I have nothing to spare for drowning out and ignoring the various sensory assaults we go through every minute of every hour of every day.  I hurt from the tips of my fingernails to the tops of my feet and everywhere in between. Strangely enough, even my scalp hurts at the roots of my hair.  My niece used to say that her hair hurt when it was brushed,  I know how she felt. 

God, I wish I could drown it out and just not notice for thirty minutes.  It doesn't seem like that much to ask. Is it?

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